- 15 Legal Considerations for Social Enterprises Expanding Internationally
- 4 Great Ways Networking Can Help Grow Your Social Enterprise
- Empowering Social Entrepreneurs to Scale Their Impact Globally
- Exploring a Shared Services Model in Donegal: Insights from a Social Enterprise Study Visit
- International Expansion: Unlocking Growth for Your Social Enterprise
- Q and A with Claire Carpenter
- Reflecting on Social Enterprise World Forum 2023: Key Learnings for Advancing Social Enterprise Globally
- Sparking Ideas and Relationships to Progress Sweden's Social Enterprise Movement
- Unleashing the Global Potential for Social Enterprises in Scotland
Case Studies
- Climate Change Legal Initiative - Leveraging Legal Expertise for a Sustainable Future
- Giraffe Healthcare - Providing an online physiotherapy platform to expand global access
- GIY Ireland – How we supported their international expansion into the UK market
- Pianodrome - A living sculpture & performance space made entirely from upcycled pianos
- Polycrub - Repurposing aquaculture waste to build food resilience globally
- Scotland - A world leader in international social enterprise
- Solariskit and CREATIVenergie - Scottish innovation building local clean energy solutions globally
- The Gender in Emergencies Group - Delivering Gender Training Across the World